I am special

La Bomba Community Center

Event: Touring the Countryside in order to speed up the establishment of The CREEA Resource Center for Active Art and Education

The theater show I Am Special, followed by public debate to which local and national authorities are invited to explore the possibility of setting up the CREEA Resource Center for Active Art and Education and of mayoralties, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture’s taking responsibility for a network of community centers for representation through art and access to creative education of any community in Romania, irrespective of its living standard, ethnicity or other differences.
The debate will be preceded by a presentation of the Theatre in the Countryside project, images and videos of the five interventions – Rahova Uranus, Limanu, Sasarm, I. L. Caragiale, Pausesti Maglasi. Following the public debate in each of the five culture clubs involved in the project, starting from the proposals of the members of the communities, we conceived a program for the revitalization and transformation of culture clubs into community centers for creative education and active art. In each of the five centers we made contacts with active members of the community, who are ready to begin activities for both the children and the adults in the community. The program of conversion of these centers and of establishment of a community center network for exchanges of experience and representability should be started as soon as possible, as a too long interval between the intervention that already took place and the beginning of the program could slow things down even more than they are now, due to expectations that our presence in these centers has inevitably raised. The report on the situation of culture clubs and the Program of Conversion of Culture Clubs into Community Centers will be officially handed to the Minister of Culture during the 30 September 2009 event hosted by the Ministry of Culture, in the hope that these working tools provided by The Offensive of Generosity will be the starting point of a long-term cultural-educational strategy for inhabitants of the rural milieu.
By hosting this event, The National Theater Festival supports the establishment of The CREEA Resource Center for Active Art and Education (with its three components: the Center for Creative Education, the Center for Community Theater, and the Documentary Practice and Theory School).
The project team: Andreea Eşanu, Bogdan Georgescu, Sever Bârzan, Monica Marinescu, Sînziana Nicola, Vlad Georgescu. From the laBOMBA Community Center: Irina Gâdiuţă, Maria Drăghici and Cristina Eremia.

performance and debate about community theatre – a partnership of The National Theater Festival, The Offensive of Generosity and tangaProject

7 October 2010,  Articles

Actrița Nicoleta Hâncu vorbește despre spectacolul montat de Victor Ioan Frunză la Teatrul Metropolis din București, În care o vom vedea În această toamnă În Festivalul Național de Teatru.

„Nu o să Încep să laud spectacolul sau actorii sau muzica, dar pot să vă dau un detaliu important: deși a trecut un an de la premieră toată lumea stă În continuare În culise și urmărește spectacolul, inclusiv cei de la tehnic, inclusiv eu. Și mi se pare că asta spune foarte mult despre calitățile acestui spectacol”, spune actrița despre „A douăsprezecea noapte”.


A douăsprezecea noapte

de William Shakespeare

Traducerea: Violeta Popa, George Volceanov

Versiunea scenică: Victor Ioan Frunză


Contesa Olivia: Diana Cavallioti

Orsino, ducele Iliriei: AlexandruPavel

Malvolio, majordom: George Costin

Viola: Nicoleta Hâncu

Sir Toby: Adrian Nicolae

Sir Andrew: Sorin Miron

Feste, bufon: Andrei Huțuleac

Maria, cameristă: Andreea Grămoșteanu / Anca Dumitra

Antonio, pirat: Alin Florea / Andrei Radu

Sebastian: Codrin Boldea / Bogdan Florea

Căpitanul: Matei Arvunescu / Codrin Boldea

Fabian: Carol Ionescu

Preotul: Costin Dogioiu

Valentin: Flavius Călin

Curio: Marian Olteanu

Valetul Oliviei: Voicu Aaniței

Un ofițer: Matei Arvunescu

Al doilea ofițer: Andrei Redinciuc

Suita ducelui Orsino: Ștefan Mohor, Paul Radu, Andrei Redinciuc

Pian: Csibi Andreea

Vioară: Stănculescu Raul

Clarinet: Gugu Bogdan

Violoncel: Ciuple Alexandra Corina

Vioară: Marian Ana-Maria

Clarinet: Ghiță Urziceanu Constantin

Direcţia de scenă: Victor Ioan Frunză

Decorul şi costumele: Adriana Grand

Muzica originală: Cari Tibor

Durata: 2h 45 min (cu pauză)

Teatrul Metropolis, Bucureşti

 Foto: „A douăsprezecea noapte” / Teatrul Metropolis, București