27 November | 23:00 – www.fnt.ro
The show has been available for online viewing from Friday 27 November, 23:00, till Sunday 29 November, 23:00.
Alina Nelega’s monodrama presents episodes from the life of Amalia. She had passed through Communism in an aboulic state, from its beginning until its maximum darkness and had gotten to a new era of freedom, which proves to be equally confusing to her.
One-woman-show: Anca Hanu
A performance by: Tudor Lucanu
Light design: Alexandru Corpodean
Sound design: Marius Rusu
Duration: 1h 20 min
Producer: National Theatre of Cluj-Napoca – 2014
Not recommended for viewers under the age of 14
The little communist girl – happy to be away from the German governess, the piano lessons, the French hours – grows confused by the losses in her life. But the traumas don’t transform her into a self-pitiful person. Instead, the character remains fantastically courageous and charmingly candid. Alina Nelega’s play does not reject the past, with its obvious defects, but sets the past under the careful analysis of the present, through a demonstration of detheatralisation of the theatre.
This kind of production is “more direct, it is closer to the hyper-reality which is more necessary in the theatre, film, visual arts and literature. It is a type of image which is built on a word, in a direct relationship with it, less oblique, less descriptive, less dynamic”, says the author in an interview.
Photo credit: Nicu Cherciu