class="">“Sânziana şi Pepelea”, awarded at the International Meetings of Cluj

“Sânziana şi Pepelea”, awarded at the International Meetings of Cluj

Aseară, în cadrul celei de-a IV-a ediţii a Întâlnirilor Internaţionale de la Cluj, „Sânziana şi Pepelea”, unul dintre cele trei spectacole ale naţionalului clujean aflate anul acesta în selecţia Festivalului Naţional de Teatru a fost distins cu patru premii importante.

11 October 2014,  Articles

Last night, during the IV Edition of the International Meetings of Cluj, “Sânziana şi Pepelea”, one of the three shows of the Cluj National ,found in this year’s National Theatre Festival ,was distinguished with four important awards: 

THE “AURELIU MANEA” AWARD FOR BEST DIRECTOR: bestowed upon Alexandru Dabija;

BEST ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLE AWARD to Radu Lărgeanu for his part as “Papură Vodă“;

BEST ACTRESS IN A MAIN ROLE AWARD ,won by Anca Hanu, for her parts as “Sânziana” in Sânziana si Pepelea by Vasile Alecandri and “Amalia” in the show “Amalia takes a deep breath” by Alina Nelega (also included in the Festival)


Within the National Theatre Festival, Sânziana and Pepelea is scheduled to be performed on Thursday, the 30th of October and Friday, 31st of October, at 6:00 PM, the Majestic Hall of the Odeon Theatre.

Tickets may be purchased at the ticket booth of the Odeon Theatre


Photo by: Nicu Cherciu