class="">“The Lesson” – Eugene Ionesco as seen through Horațiu Mălăele’s spectacles

“The Lesson” – Eugene Ionesco as seen through Horațiu Mălăele’s spectacles

„Lecția” de Eugène Ionesco a avut premiera în mai 2009 și este una dintre producțiile memorabile ale Naționalului bucureștean, un spectacol de autor în care Horațiu Mălăele are o ipostază dublă – regizor și interpret al rolului principal. Îl puteți revedea în Festivalul Național de Teatru, la secțiunea MAEȘTRI, pe 29 octombrie.

14 October 2014,  Articles

“The Lesson” by Eugene Ionesco premiered in May of 2009 and is currently one of the most memorable productions of the Bucharest National, a show in which Horațiu Mălăele plays a double role- of director and main character. You may see it during the National Theatre Festival under the Masters Category, on the 29th of October.

“Ionesco’s Lesson is a tragic farce which denounces the absurdity of standardized and exclusive testing, of language as a tool for power and of the lethal relationship between sexuality and dictatorship. On the other hand, the contemplative stupidity, a maneuvering field for anointed butchers. Since the world has learned nothing from the mistakes of history, the lesson of this show does not propose to be a boring and moralizing ruler, but more aptly a clear mirror” Horațiu Mălăele declared.

A one-part play, “The Lesson” was first performed in 1951 and is considered one of the most important texts of absurd theatre. The plot takes place in the office and living room of a small French apartment. The Teacher (aged 50-50, played by Mălăele) awaits his new student (an 18 year-old girl, played by Aylin CadÎr). The Professors housekeeper (Victoria Dicu) worries about his health. The professor is outraged at the student’s ignorance while she gets quieter and more withdrawn. As the lesson lengthens, the absurd gains ground…

“The words spoken are parallel to the emotion. A phantasmagoria. It seems fun: you laugh until you realise the Professor is a maniac. Until the absurd passes into drama. Horaţiu Mălăele has a gift to make the audience laugh. Mălăele, actor and director, can take you into the area of the comic, but in this case not all the way through, but until <<everything is pushed to paroxysm>>”, Maria Sârbu noted in the Jurnalul Național.

The ending? Find out for yourselves. We tell you only this: it comes full circle- a new lesson, a new student (played by Diana Stancu /Andreea Tănase).



Horațiu Mălăele signs not only as the show’s director ,but set designer. Musical Scenery by Dinu Giurgiu. Costume Design by Florilena Popescu Fărcăşanu. 

The show is played on the 29th of October ,at 7:00 PM, at the Lipscani Theatre in the old city centre of the Capital.

Tickets are priced at 77 RON each; purchasable from the ticket booth of the Lipscani Theatre as well as online


Photo: Augustin Bucur