class="">25th National Theatre Festival Press Conference

25th National Theatre Festival Press Conference

Anunţ pentru jurnalişti. Stimaţi colegi,avem onoarea de a va invita să participaţi la conferinta de presă consacrată celei de-a 25-a ediţii a Festivalului Naţional de Teatru, în ziua de marţi, 13 octombrie a.c., ora 11:00, la Sala Media a Teatrului Naţional „I.L.Caragiale” din Bucureşti.

9 October 2015,  Press Releases

October 9th 2015

Invitation to journalists

Dear Colleagues,

It is an honour to invite you to the press conference dedicated to the 25th edition of the National Theatre Festival on Tuesday, October 13th at 11.00, at the Media Hall of the „I.L.Caragiale” National Theatre Bucharest.

The National Theatre Festival will take place from October 23rd to November 1st and will showcase productions of the 2014 / 2015 season. The festival is organized by UNITER- The Romanian Theatre Union, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, the „I.L.Caragiale” National Theatre Bucharest, the City Hall of the Municipality of Bucharest and ArCuB /the Centre for Cultural Projects of the City Hall of the Municipality of Bucharest.

We celebrate a quarter of a century of existence of the festival and are happy that we are still, after these 25 years, one of the favorite events of Bucharest audiences.

Theatregoers and invited specialists will have the opportunity to choose from 44 productions invited from around the country and 3 foreign performances, adding up to a total number of 98 presentations, scheduled over the 10 festival days, along with substantial collateral events.

Your participation at the press conference means a lot to us. During the press conference, festival artistic director Marina Constantinescu and her invitees will provide details about the organization, program and sections of the 25th edition, about the invited artists and special guests of this edition.

October 9th 2015