Într-o ediţie aniversară a Festivalului Naţional de Teatru, precum este cea cu numărul 25, e firesc să dăm memoriei teatrului ce i se cuvine şi să ne amintim de mari personalităţi legate indisolubil de artele scenei.

16 October 2015,  Press Releases

October 16th 2015

In an anniversary edition of the National Theatre Festival, the 25th, it is right to remember great personalities that are so indestructibly connected to the art of theatre.

For this reason, we would like to offer the audiences an opportunity to recall some of the best known actors; their names are an important part of theatre history: Gina PatrichiAmza PelleaŞtefan Iordache and George Constantin, as well as the name of another great artist: Gellu Naum / poet and playwright- it is only now that his work is being truly rediscovered for the Romanian stage, presentations of productions based on his writings are always sold out.

Gina Patrichi /The Miracle of Seduction” is the title of the exhibition offered to the audiences from October 23rd to November 1st in the foyer of the Toma Caragiu Hall of the „L.S. Bulandra” theatre. The exhibition launch is scheduled for Saturday, October 24th, at 16h. For those who have had the privilege to see her on stage, Gina Patrichi was undoubtedly that kind of a being you could see “breathing theatre”. The cinemagoers experienced the same intensity when looking at her appearances on screen. The exhibition is dedicated to this fabulous actress and aims at capturing, in a sort of posthumous spotlight, fragments of her complex and fascinating universe: her house, her friends, her trips and, above all, stage- her partner in beautiful and tumultuous love story.

In the Intercontinental wing of the foyer of the Media Hall of the National Theatre Bucharest, two giants face each other: Amza Pellea and Ştefan Iordache.

Amza” / an exhibition dedicated to this unmistakable personality presents a wide selection of pictures that aims at refreshing people’s memories of one of the brightest figures of stage, screens (film and TV) and radio: Amza Pellea. Pictures  showing him on stage or in everyday life, collected from theatre archives as well as from the family archive- kindly offered by his daughter, actress Oana Pellea, will be revealed and highlighted by the National Theatre Festival and Mişcarea de Rezistenţă. The exhibition launch will take place on Monday, October 26th, at 13.30, and the exhibition will be open to visitors for the entire duration of the festival.

Iordache”- who does not remember the actor who played The Most Beloved of Earthlings, or- in theatre- Hamlet, Richard III or Barrymore? These are just a few of the parts that have left deep memories in spectators, and Ştefan Iordache’s premature disappearance in the 48th year of his career  has only amplified the longing for an encounter with a complete artist. And however familiar he might seem, at a more careful look, one realizes how little is in fact known about this discreet, honest, profound man hiding behind the great artist he was.

The exhibition is organized by the National Theatre Festival and Mişcarea de Rezistenţă and will be open to visitors for the ten days of the festival. The launch is also scheduled for October 26th, at 13.30.

The exhibition hall of the Metropolis Theatre hosts this year last year’s production of the National Theatre Festival: „George Constantin /The Force of Expression”.

The journey of this great actor in his human and professional existence is a sum of stories  of great encounters with valuable pieces of dramatic literature, with complex parts, with genius playwrights, with inspired theatre managers, with brilliant partners, friends, colleagues and, of course, great Romanian directors. All these artistic happenings have led to unforgettable moments of theatre, on which nowadays theatre is based on. The exhibition dedicated to the artist tries, via extremely suggestive pictures, to turn our thoughts back to crucial moments of Romanian theatre.

Suggestively entitled  „Gellu Naum 100”, this exhibtition organized on the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of this „native surrealist” / as Ion Manolescu used to call him / , presents a character who dominates time without being above time. A specific presence, implying a silhouette, an outline of the everyday human being, a continuous rising of the eyebrow in a gesture of bemused accepting of time, continuously flowing, but leaving room, somewhere yonder that contemplating look, for other worlds and their oneiric times. The great playwright and poet is presented in photographs gently offered by the Gellu Naum Foundation. The launch of the exhibition is planned for October 30th, at 19.30, at the Metropolis Theatre (La Cupola Hall). The exhibition will be open to the public from the first festival day.


October 16th 2015