class="">Ion Caramitru opens on Sunday the series of the NTF conferences

Ion Caramitru opens on Sunday the series of the NTF conferences

Vă semnalăm unul din evenimentele speciale organizate în cadrul Festivalului Naţional de Teatru: Mâine, duminică – 25 octombrie, ora 11:30 seria Conferinţelor FNT va debuta în Sala Media a Teatrului Naţional „I.L.Caragiale” din Bucureşti cu un „Fals proiect de doctorat”: o conferinţă-atelier de rostire a poeziei susţinută de Ion Caramitru. Cunoscutul actor îl va avea invitat special pe muzicianul Aurelian-Octav Popa.

24 October 2015,  Articles

October 24th 2015

We are kindly inviting to one of the special events of the National Theatre Festival: tomorrow, Sunday, October 25th, at 11.30 will take place the first in the series of the NTF Conferences. “A False Doctoral Project” / a workshop/ conference about reciting poetry presented by Ion Caramitru, will open the series at the Media Hall of the National Theatre. Musician Aurelian-Octav Popa will be the special guest of the event.

„What I am trying to prove is partly the material I have been working on with my students, as long as I was a teacher, and what I studied again, for three years, on the occasions of the “Ipoteşti Encounters”: an attempt of understanding the poetic text and the steps to take in traversing stages required for a poem to be spoken on a stage”. Ion Caramitru

We are looking forward to seeing you at the event! (Access free)

October 24th  2015