class="">Mario Mattia Giorgetti: ”Theatre as a public service needs to be a service that stimulates development and culture of the human being.”

Mario Mattia Giorgetti: ”Theatre as a public service needs to be a service that stimulates development and culture of the human being.”

Actorul și regizorul Mario Mattia Giorgetti, editorul-șef al revistei italiene ”Sipario”, a onorat și anul acesta Festivalul Național de Teatru cu prezența sa. Oaspetele a prezentat documentarul pe care l-a realizat, ”Pasiunea teatrală a lui Giorgio Strehler”, în cadrul evenimentului de lansare a volumului ”Scrisori despre teatru”, semnat de marele om de teatru Strehler, pe care Giorgetti l-a cunoscut și cu care a lucrat în tinerețe.

27 October 2015,  Articles

October 27th 2015

Actor and director Mario Mattia Giorgetti, editor in chief of the Italian magazine ”Sipario”,  has again honored the National Theatre Festival with his presence. Mr. Giorgetti presented his documentary, “Giorgio Strehler’s  Passion for Theatre” as part of the event organized around the launch of the Romanian version of “Letters About Theatre”, signed by the great theatre maker Strehler, whom Giorgetti knew and worked with in his young years. The book launch took place on Tuesday, October 27th at the ”Toma Caragiu” Hall of the Bulandra Theatre.

An interview by Cristina Enescu.

What fascinated you when working with Giorgio Strehler?

His dialectic capacity of penetrating the world of the author, of decomposing a text and then recomposing it for the stage. Strehler’s enlightment was fascinating, his vision upon theatre as a civic responsibility, a theatre that activates to the benefit of people, trying to increase their capacity of taking over responsibilities.

I worked for two years with Strehler, I studied at the Piccolo Teatro School for three years and I saw all his performances. In his universe, the keyword was civic engagement. Theatre, as a public service needs to be a service that stimulates development and cultivation of the human being. The spectator has to develop his capacity of listening, on analyzing and constructing his own concepts: positive, active ones, regarding the ideas transmitted through theatre. The spectator is invited to actively, not passively take part, the spectator has to take over some responsibilities. He is fundamental to the existence of theatre, he is the center of the performance, in fact. He is responsible of actively perceiving what the theatre author transmits.

What is the perennial offer of theatre in this world that is just too often a prisoner of simplistic entertainment?

This is all about the pleasure of listening to the word, of discovering the merit of the word, the thoughts that words convey. The language of the media, of television channels, even that of present time cinema often led to a depreciation of the word.  We talk too little today.

In this era of over- communication?…

Yes. The cell phone has become a refuge, in which the human creates an alternative media- life. I travel a lot and I see all these people handling phones, but never talking to each other. We are heading towards a society that is losing the pleasure of verbal communication, of direct, thought enhancing communication. Words bring with them reflection, thinking, dialogue with the others and with yourself. Theatre puts the word in the center of communication. Theatre of words, theatre of responsibility, human theatre, this is what we need today. Not a theatre of deceit, but one that can lend people the pleasure of discovering how beautiful communication really is.

Photo credit: Lucian Muntean

October 27th  2015