class="">NATIONAL THEATRE FESTIVAL the 25th edition. Romanian Performances in NTF

NATIONAL THEATRE FESTIVAL the 25th edition. Romanian Performances in NTF

Criticul Marina Constantinescu, directorul artistic şi selecţionerul Festivalului Naţional de Teatru, anunţă selecţia oficială a celei de-a 25-a ediţii, care se va desfăşura între 23 octombrie şi 1 noiembrie, la Bucureşti.

6 July 2015,  Articles

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the 25th edition

Romanian Performances in NTF



#swansong after A.P.Cehov, directed by Ferenk Sinkó, set design Carmencita Brojboiu, costumes Gyopár Bocskai, Hungarian State Theatre Cluj

20 Years in Siberia, a dramatic monologue after Anița Nandriș-Cudla’s Book “20 Years in Siberia. Memories of life” worked out by Sorin Misirianţu, direction and scenography by Sorin Misirianţu, National Theatre “I. L. Caragiale” Bucharest

Aliens with Extraordinary Skills by Saviana Stănescu, directed by Alexandru Mihailscenography Vladimir Turturică, Odeon Theatre Bucharest

The Anniversary by Jeroen van den Berg, directed by Traian Şoimu, set design  Zsolt Fehervári, National Theatre “Mihai Eminescu” Timişoara

Antisocial, text developed through Active Art methods together with the performers, directed by Bogdan Georgescu

Apolodor after Gellu Naum, performance-concert by Ada Milea, scenography: Cristian Rusu, National Theatre Cluj-Napoca

Assembly of the Birds by Farid Uddin Attar, the script: Cristian Pepino, (after an idea by Michaela Tonitza Iordache) director and set designer Cristian Pepino, costumes Cristina Pepino, Ţăndărică Animation Theatre Bucharest

The Beggar’s Opera after John Gay, directed by Kokan Mladenović, set design Marija Kalabić, costumes Tatjana Radišić, “Csiky Gergely” Hungarian State Theatre Timişoara

Betrayal by Harold Pinter, directed by Sânziana Stoican, scenography Valentin Vârlan, UNTEATRU Theatre Bucharest.

Buffalos – Urban fable #2 after Pau Miró, directed by Radu Afrim, scenography Dragoş Buhagiar, National Theatre „Radu Stanca” Sibiu

The Burglary after Răzvan Petrescu, script and direction Dragoş Alexandru Muşoiu, scenography arch. Andreea Simona Negrilă, “Marin Sorescu” National Theatre Craiova

Conversations after a Burial by Yasmina Reza, directed by Alexandru Darie, scenography Octavian Neculai, Bulandra Theatre, Bucharest

Electra after Eschil şi Euripide, adapted by Zsolt Benedek, directed by László Bocsárdi, scenography József Bartha, costumes Zsuzsanna Kiss, German State Theatre Timişoara

The Emigrants by Sławomir Mrożek, directed by Tudor Lucanu, scenography Cristian Rusu, National Theatre Cluj-Napoca

Flowers for Algernon after Daniel Keyes, performance by Iulia Colan, ACT Theatre Bucharesti

Furniture and Pain by Teodor Mazilu, directed by Victor Ioan Frunză, scenography Adriana Grand, Cultural Center for UNESCO „Nicolae Balcescu” Bucharest

The Good Person of Szechwan by Bertolt Brecht, directed by Andrei Şerban, scenography Iuliana VÎlsan, Bulandra Theatre Bucharest

The History Boys by Alan Bennett, direction and scenography Vlad Cristache, Excelsior Theatre Bucharest

The House with Cats, text and direction by Radu Iacoban, scenography Mihaela Ularu, Teatrul Mic (The Small Theatre) Bucharest

Illusions by Ivan Vyrypaev, directed by Bobi Pricop, scenography arch. Andreea Simona Negrilă, “Marin Sorescu” National Theatre Craiova

Imagine all the people after John Lennon, a dance-theatre performance by Gigi Căciuleanu, Romanian National Opera Iaşi

The Karamazovs after F.M. Dostoievski, directed by István Albu, set design Tibor Tenkei, costumes Gyopár Bocskai, “Tompa Miklós” Company / National Theatre Târgu-Mureş

The Lesson by Eugène Ionesco, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu, set design Adrian Damian, costumes Irina Moscu, “Radu Stanca” National Theatre Sibiu

Line by Israel Horovitz, directed by Iarina Demian, scenography Dana Istrate, Bulandra Theatre Bucharest

The Lonesome West by Martin McDonagh, directed by Cristi Juncu, scenography Carmencita Brojboiu, Nottara Theatre Bucharest

A Marriage Proposal by A.P.Cehov, directed by Felix Alexa, scenography Andrada Chiriac, “Fani Tardini” Dramatic Theatre Galaţi

Mein Kampf by George Tabori, directed by Alexandru Dabija, set design Carmencita Brojboiu, National Theatre Cluj-Napoca

A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare, directed by Victor Ioan Frunză, set design and costumes Adriana Grand, Metropolis Theatre Bucharest

Moliendo Café,a performance born out of improvisation of the actors who performed under the artistic guidance of director Silviu Purcărete, set design and costumes Dragoş Buhagiar, production of the German State Theatre Timișoara & Hungarian State Theatre „Csiky Gergely” Timișoara

My folks were super!, collective dramatization (scenario based on real events lived by the actors), directed by Cristian Ban, scenography and costumes Cristina Milea, Classic Theatre “Ioan Slavici” Arad

N(AUM) after Gellu Naum, directed by Mariana Cămărăşan, scenography Vladimir Turturică, UNTEATRU project under the management of Metropolis Theatre, with the support of “Gellu Naum” Foundation

Nathan the Wise after Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, directed by Armin Petras, scenography Dragoş Buhagiar, production of “Radu Stanca” National Theatre Sibiu and Schauspielhaus Stuttgart

Platonov after A.P.Cehov, directed by Andreea Vulpe, scenography Daniel Titza, „Maria Filotti” Theatre, Brăila 

Powder Keg by Dejan Dukovski, directed by Felix Alexa, scenography Andrada Chiriac, National Theatre “I. L. Caragiale” Bucharest

The Star Without a Name by Mihail Sebastian, directed by Victor Ioan Frunză, scenography Adriana Grand, Cultural Center for UNESCO „Nicolae Balcescu” Bucharest

The Stronger by August Strindberg, un a lab-performance directed by Antoaneta Cojocaru, scenography Vladimir Turturică, Comedy Theatre Bucharest

Terrorism byPresniakov Brothers,directed by Felix Alexa, scenography Andrada Chiriac, National Theatre “I. L. Caragiale” Bucharest

Tit for Tat after “The God of Carnage” by Yasmina Reza, directed by Cristi Juncu, scenography Cosmin Ardeleanu, “Liviu Rebreanu” Company / National Theatre Târgu-Mureş

Tranquilityafter Attila Bartis, directed by Radu Afrim, set design Adrian Damian, costumes Erika Márton, “Tompa Miklós” Company / National Theatre Târgu-Mureş

UbuZdup!, adaptation by Gábor Tompa after “Ubu in chains” and other texts by Alfred Jarry, directed by Gábor Tompa, scenography  Carmencita Brojboiu, National Theatre Cluj-Napoca

Variations on the Kraepelin Model by Davide Carnevali, directed by Alexandru Dabija, scenography Dragoş Buhagiar, “Vasile Alecsandri” National Theatre Iaşi

Vertigo, script and direction Mihai Măniuţiu, scenography Adrian Damian, “Aureliu Manea” Theatre Turda

The Visit by Friedrich Dürrenmatt, directed by Claudiu Goga, set design Ştefan Caragiu, costumes Lia Dogaru, “Vasile Alecsandri” National Theatre Iaşi

The Visit by Friedrich Dürrenmatt, directed by Gábor Tompa, set design Helmut Stürmer, costumes Carmencita Brojboiu, Hungarian State Theatre Cluj

Women / Men by Willy Russell, directed by Vlad Massaci, scenography / sound / light / video Andu Dumitrescu, “Anton Pann” Theatre Râmnicu-Vâlcea