class="">NTF Passage– The performance ”Aliens with Extraordinay Skills” and one of the most tricky present time problematics

NTF Passage– The performance ”Aliens with Extraordinay Skills” and one of the most tricky present time problematics

Vineri 23 octombrie, în după-amiaza primei zile a Festivalului Național de Teatru 2015, pe scena din Pasajul FNT au urcat actorii Nicoleta Lefter, Ionuț Kivu și Relu Poalelungi , protagoniști ai spectacolului ”Viză de clown” de Saviana Stănescu, regia Alexandru Mihail, scenografia Vladimir Turturică, o producție a Teatrului Odeon din stagiunea trecută.

24 October 2015,  Articles

October 24th 2015

Friday, October 23rd, the afternoon of the first day of the National Theatre Festival 2015. On the stage erected in the NTF passage, at the University Square metro station, actors Nicoleta Lefter, Ionuț Kivu and Relu Poalelungi, the protagonists of the performance “Aliens with Extraordinary Skills”, by Saviana Stănescu, directed by Alexandru Mihail, designed by Vladimir Turturică, a production of the Odeon Theatre.

An article by Cristina Enescu

The play is inspired by a true story, published in the Florida Observer,  a story of a Romanian and a Ukrainian who managed to bring over 800 imigrants to the US with fake circus artists visas. The play follows the destiny of a girl from Moldova and of a young guy from Russia, who go together from Florida to New York, the city that never sleeps, to avoid being sent back where they came from.


In the unfortunate present context of the immigration problem, the performance gains even deeper meanings, emotions, thoughts and echoes. A performance speaking to the Romanian, to the migrant, to the expat and, in general, to all those who were had to leave home in quest of a better destiny.  

Actor Ionuț Kivu pointed out that the performance touches very deep emotional chords:”you will not leave the theatre bare handedly. This show makes one cry. We play it with joy and with enthusiasm at the festival, but also outside the NTF, in the regular season of the Odeon Theatre. You will see, the text is not a typical one. It’s a very alert performance, somehow like a film, dynamic, resembling a ciné- verité.  And it’s not a hard to swallow one, it’s theatre to experience yourself. The reaction of the audiences during and after the 30 presentations we have had so far helped the actors to give even more through their interpretation”.


Click on the image to visit the PHOTO GALLERY of the event

Ionuț Kivu, added that this text was written by Saviana Stănescu in English, it was performed on the Broadway and then in New Mexico, and now in Bucharest. It’s performance that speaks about the problems that US immigrants are confronted with- problems so acute these days in Europe. It’s a life story, very outspoken and very eloquent.”

Relu Poalelungi, the third protagonist of the performance who came to speak in the NTF Passage mentioned that: “With this show, we are trying to open up minds and hearts”.

Pompilius Onofrei, the speaker of the NTF pointed out that Aliens with Extraordinary Skills is part of the trend followed by the Odeon theatre, that of choosing very daring pieces of writing : «  Saviana Stănescu’s texts are very powerful, very rhythmic and  I am quite sure that laughter will be accompanied by that magical tear that come from emotion”.

The young and enthusiastic actors in ”Aliens with Extraordinary Skills” offered autographs at the end of their conversation with the passers by.

Photo credit: Adi Marineci

October 24th 2015