class="">Răzvan Mazilu, at the “Night of the famous signatures”

Răzvan Mazilu, at the “Night of the famous signatures”

Cea de-a patra zi în Pasajul FNT a decurs lin, calm şi melodios, cu multe albume caritabile vândute, cu multe autografe semnate cu drag, dar și cu multe zâmbete împărțite între spectatori și artiști.

30 October 2014,  Articles

The fourth day in the NTF Passageway at the University Subway Station went smoothly, calmly and melodically ,with many charity albums being sold and autographs kindly given, but also with smiles shared between the artists and the viewers.

An article by Judy Florescu

On Tuesday, the 28th of October, at the “Night of famous signatures” ,choreographer and director Răzvan Mazilu was invited to join, and sign autographs on the flyers of his new show / “West Side Story” (“The Manifesto of a Generation”).
West Side Story is the first production by the National Theatre Festival, and it enjoyed its first showings on the 25th and 26th of October at the Odeon Theatre. The next showing of the musical shall take place on the 22nd and 23rd of November.

Click here to see the event’s Photo Gallery. 

It was the first night in which I noticed strangers showing up and asking questions about what’s going on in the Passageway. A few young girls from Israel, who’d come to visit Bucharest, wanted to know more about what’s going on in the University Passageway. They were even more curious than the Romanians, because they asked a tremendous amount of questions.

Răzvan Mazilu found organizing a meeting of artists and viewers an interesting idea. “It’s a very good idea, because the Romanian theatrical phenomenon must not remain isolated, but it must descend into the streets in order to attract as many viewers. I went a little bit outside of my comfort zone, but the people are so nice that they made me enjoy it by the end.”

Emilia Popescu said that “the merit of creating this album belongs to Margareta Pâslaru. It seems to me to be an extraordinary gesture towards the actors going through difficult times. We also go through difficult times ourselves, except that when you’re older it’s much harder and we mustn’t for an instant forget about them. We didn’t think the event would enjoy so much attention. At first, we thought about a CD on which actors would simply play music, and look: we even managed to perform a very nice gesture. UNITER supported us. We’re in the subway station and when you climb up the stairs you hear our music. The ones buying this CD are performing a very nice gesture towards culture and to the people they enjoyed, when they saw them at the theatre and later forgot about. People passing through the NTF Passageway are simple people and they pay. As always with solidarity gestures, the first to join in are the modest folk, who realise the necessity of their gesture. Simple people are always the most generous.”

The earnings from selling the CD are fully transferred to the “Artists for Artists” Theatrical Solidarity Fund.

Photo by Maria Ştefănescu