class="">A Lost Letter

A Lost Letter

11 November | 19:00 –

The show has been available for viewing from Thursday, November 11, from 19.00, until Saturday, November 13, at 19.00.

„Caragiale is always a must have. You simply must have hi in your portfolio. He cannot be avoided. Besides, this seemed an important text for our current theatre company, as it is today. It’s a special company, well-experienced, functioning very well (….)”

Other events of the day

Author: I.L. Caragiale

Nae Cațavencu: Andrei Elek

Zaharia Trahanache: Zoltan Lovas

Zoe Trahanache: Iulia Dinu

Ghiță Pristanda: Sorin Calotă

A drunken citizen: Ioan Peter

Agamemnon Dandanache: Mariana Tofan

Tache Farfuridi: Călin Stanciu

Iordache Brânzovenescu: Bogdan Neciu

Ștefan Tipătescu: Ștefan Dogaru

Ionescu: Robert Pavicsits

Popescu: Alex Popa

Direction: Ștefan Iordănescu

Set design: Doru Păcurar

Costumes: CHIC by Vali Cioban

Original music: Dorothea Iordănescu

Choreography: Maura Cosma

Light design: Lucian Moga

Sound design: George Dancu

Ioan Slavici Classical Theatre Arad

Duration: 2 hrs 20 min

“With this performance I intended to put the situation in Romania in the spotlight – from the year it was written to nowadays – without making it excessively contemporary. This performance uses communication methods that are based on contemporary theatre, but at the same time I intended it to remain valid for a loner time. I can say this is a panoramic view of Romania in the past 200 years. Is this a bold thing to do? It is. Quite a lot That’s precisely why I did it.” – Ștefan Iordănescu, director

Photo credit: Laurian Popa