11 November | 16:00 – www.fnt.ro

The video presentation of this installation can be viewed between 11-16 November.
Fairy-tale characters never expect all the challenges they are going to face when starting their journey to fulfil their destiny. But, without challenges, what would there be left to tell a story about?
Concept: Andreea Iacob
Featuring: Leontin N. Iuhas, Diana Buluga
Original music: József Iszlai
Video: Gabriel Chelcea
Editing: Ioana Ofelia
This project was carried out with the support of AFCN and The Local Council of Cluj-Napoca through the Social and Medical Assistance Department
Partner: Doina Cornea Foundation
Media partners: TVR Cluj, Radio Cluj, Radio România Cultural, EBS Radio, Napoca FM, Revista Cultura, b-critic.ro, Transilvania Reporter, The Woman, clujlife.ro, cluj.com, cluju.ro, ilikecluj.ro
We didn’t expect to face the pandemic context in which we were forced to work on this project. Yet somehow it is because of this context that we felt more connected with the ones before us, those who managed to become cultural, social and moral icons, who overcame the challenges they faced and kept their dreams high.
We made interactive museums in the houses of Doina Cornea (publisher and opponent of the Communist regime), Ioana Em. Petrescu (writer and literary critic and historian) and Sigismund Toduță (teacher, musicologist and composer) and organised guided tours there.
These houses were open for visiting between 11-13 November 2020 and 4-6 June 2021. Visitors had the opportunity to listen to Ioana Em. Petrescu’s voice, to become (for a few minutes) Mr and Mrs Petrescu themselves, and to read to one another the love letters the two had exchanged throughout time. In Sigismund Toduță’s house, visitors had the opportunity to play his piano or enter an audio-video installation featuring a processing of folklore themes in his compositions.
In this year’s National Threatre Festival, the Create.Act.Enjoy team presents an adapted online version of the tour of Doina Cornea’s house, with the extraordinary participation of her son, Leontin H. Iuhas.
Even if the audio installations that were available for the physical visiting of the house, as well as the atmosphere we created there cannot be transposed pn film, we hope that this virtual walk will still act as a messenger of the spirit, the courage and the determination of Doina Cornea for all those who will view it.