class="">Horatio’s Stories – Portraits and Testimonies of the Masters of the European Stage

Horatio’s Stories – Portraits and Testimonies of the Masters of the European Stage

by George Banu

Tracus Arte Publishing House, 2021

Price: 40,00 ron

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Hamlet asks Horation, to tell his story, in the name of their friendship.
George Banu, who i sever close to the exemplary characters of modern theatre identifies with Horatio and, being a truthful witness, draws intimate portraits, restores the essence of the great theatre makers’ „oral” thinking and composes a personal map of the European scene. This affective kaleidoscope features Peter Brook and Jerzy Grotowski, Radu Penciulescu and Eugenio Barba, Antoine Vitez and Patrice Chéreau, Andrei Șerban and Anatoly Vasiliev… Gestures, confessions and memories prove the impact of biographies and, at the same time, reveal the impact of biographies and small secrets of the craft. The pages of the book put them together under the sign of friendly proximity. Horatio’s Stories unveils the secret identities of these „princes” of the stage, visited, along the decades, by George Banu.