class="">The Tempest

The Tempest

10 November| 21:30 – Bulandra Theatre, Toma Caragiu Hall (Icoanei)

A unique musical story.

Energetic staging and adaptation, gleeful, colorful and enthusiastic (Mihai Brezeanu, Agenda LiterNet, Sept. 2021); An atmosphere that catalyzes the blending of reality and dream (Ion Parhon, Scrisul românesc, nr.12/2021); The musical of the year – sheer joy! (Horia Ghibuțiu,13 Oct. 2021)



After: William Shakespeare

Approximative translation: Cristi Juncu


Caliban / Antonio / Ferdinand: Cătălin Babliuc

Prospero / Regele / Stephano: Lucian Iftime

Miranda / Trincoola: Silvana Negruţiu

Ariel: Anca Sigartău și Maria Veronica Vârlan

Direction, musical version and lyrics: Ada Milea 

Set design, visual concept, video and lighting design: Andu Dumitrescu

Electronic music versions: Alin Teglaș 

Producer: Lucia Sturdza Bulandra Theatre, Bucharest

Duration: 1h 20min

General audience

Performance in Romanian with English subtitles

This “Tempest” is based on a line of one of the characters (Caliban): “the island is full of noise, echoes and harmonies, but they do no harm, they do good. Sometimes, thousands of small and warm instruments whisper in my ear, or they are dizzying voices…” I imagined that several actors (playing Ariel) could build an “island of sounds” and, while accompanying others, would seem to influence everyone’s perception of reality. I was going to make a musical version of the famous Shakespearean text, so the idea of ​​characters providing sound support solved a lot of problems. The extremely creative set designer Andu Dumitrescu proposed generous real and virtual spaces: a “jungle” of microphones, cables, instruments, video cameras (with live images) and projections (in which, sometimes, the shadows of the actors sing / play). The musical parts began to take advantage of the technical possibilities and focused more on the dreams inside the dreams of the characters who “no longer realize what is a dream and what is not“. The actors contributed enormously to the shape and content of the musical parts. The inspiration of some stimulated the creativity of others, developing scores that were much smaller in the original text (this is the case with the role of Antonio). The songs are deeply influenced by the collaborators, regardless of the work phase in which they participated. Thank you all, and I hope that every spectator will find in this performance the joy and emotion they needs. (Ada Milea)

Photo credit: Cristian Ivanciu