class="">Worker of the Year

Worker of the Year

Home delivered performance.

For information and registration in order to receive the kit: [email protected] or text message to +40747261346. This experience is free, yet the number of available kits is limited, so we suggest you register as soon as possible.

You order a box. A courier delivers it to your door. You open it. You carefully read the instructions. Inside there are 5 sealed bags. You turn on the immersive soundtrack. A voice introduces you to a dystopian world, in which people are separated from one another and the main character is none other than yourself.  You have an hour to live this experience by yourself, at home.

A soundtrack like in the movies, an engaged voice that takes you step by step to an alternative reality through guided instructions, a narrative, a cinematic soundtrack and interactions with the objects you have received. Spaces, things and situations in this performance speak about territories that are faraway yet terrifyingly possible: existence has become apparently perfect and lacks the pressure of choices. 

The performative kit can be ordered online and arrives at the participants’ homes in the shape of a complete performative kit that contains objects, gadgets, lights. For a complete experience you need to wait until the evening, to have as much quiet as possible in your home, and have one hour just to yourself. Each kit is meant for one person only, the whole experience is a guided one and the props in the package shall be used during the performance. Once you receive the kit it is advisable to open it and use it within maximum 3 days.


By: Tudor Ganea

A concept by: Ioana Păun și Flavia Giurgiu

Voice: Alexandru Potocean

Original music: Diana Miron

Graphics: Alice Voinea

Coordinator: Raluca Felezeu

Producers: Ioana Păun and Flavia Giurgiu, ARCUB and the Cluj Cultural Center

Cofinanced by:  AFCN – Administrația Fondului Cultural Național


Duration: 1h

General audience

Worker of the Year is an original project created during the pandemic by artists Ioana Păun and Flavia Giurgiu. The project was born from their conviction that there is a performative potential in each of us. Their challenge, as artists, is to have complete trust in what the participants will do with the kit they receive, that they will find their own spark and follow it.

“Here, theater is a partner of the viewer in a reality of equality, it is no longer an idealized product that asks to be adored” (Oana Stoica, for Scena9)

Worker of the Year is an exciting experience that I would happily go through again unconditionally! I am looking forward to a second episode with creative impatience.”(Oltița Cântec, for Observator Cultural)