class="">Agnes of God

Agnes of God

27 October | 18:30 – Nottara Theatre, George Constantin Hall

Somewhere between mystery and psychological thriller, Agnes of God, the challenging play of American playwright John Pielmeier, speaks of faith and salvation, of redemption and healing.



By: John Pielmeier

Translated by: Bogdan Budeș



Agnes: Cristina Juncu

Martha Livingstone: Luminița Erga

Abbess Miriam: Victoria Cociaș

Directed by: Sânziana Stoican

Set design: Valentin Vârlan

Soundtrack: Cristina Juncu

Producer: Nottara Theatre, Bucharest

Duration: 1h 50 min (no intermission)

Recommended age: 12+  

Performance in Romanian with English surtitles

Featuring a very talented double cast, the show presents the loss of innocence and the confrontation with the tragedy of life’s realities, wrapped in a fake detective story. The strength of the acting confronts scientific reasoning and salvation brought about by Christian love. The tragedy of the main character resonates with the threat of obtuse faith, a theme very poignant in today’s (Romanian) world, a world that has lived through a phase of denial of the pandemic, prone to ideas contradicting scientifically based theories. (the NTF curators’ motivation)

Photo credits: Andrei Gîndac