class="">Emily Dickinson’s Last Dream

Emily Dickinson’s Last Dream

27 October | 23:05 – Radio România Actualități

Listen to the radio-drama on Radio România Actualități

The Laboratories of the Sensitive



By Stamatis Polenakis

Translation from Greek to French by Myrto Gondicas

Lyrics translation from English:  Ema Stere

Translation from French and adaptation: Cezarina Udrescu

Artistic direction: Cezarina Udrescu

Starring: Valeria Seciu

Studio direction: Milica Creiniceanu

Musical direction: Patricia Prundea

Technical direction: engineer Iulian Iancu

Editor and project manager: Crenguța Manea

Producer: The National Radiophonic Theatre, 2010


The NTF ON AIR section contains a series of radio-dramas that will be broadcast on Radio Romania Cultural and Radio Romania Actualitati under three main titles:

The Laboratories of the Sensitive (the festival’s theme)

In memoriam Ion Caramitru

In memoriam George Banu


During the festival, they will be available on the website the In memoriam Ion Caramitru and In memoriam George Banu collections