

30 October | 19:00 – I.L. Caragiale National Theatre Bucharest, Ion Caramitru Hall (Big Hall)

“Exodus draws from a reality that shapes contemporary society even as we write or speak of it: migration. The play tells the story of an Eastern European – Ben – who tries to survive by building a new destiny in a world whose coordinates he no longer understands. On this journey towards a new ‘home’, Ben is forced to cross the realm of the uprooted, of those who no longer find their place in the country from which they came, s world of those whose country, in one way or another, has driven them away.” (Codruța Popov)



By: Marius Ivaškevičius

Translation: Raluca Rădulescu



Ben Ivănescu: Marin Lupanciuc

Ben, X years after: Ion Rizea

The Vandal: Ionuț Iova

Aglaia & Gloria: Cristina Rotaru Chiperi

Liz: Flavia Giurgiu

Edi: Alexandru Romescu

Olga: Oana Iovița

Azim: Cătălin Ursu

Harry, the wooden Christ: Matei Chioariu

Zoran Supergreul: Alexandru Negrea

Milița: Oana Antonovici

Boyko: Darius Zet

Aurel: Teodor Cauș

Ionică Urbanovici: Vlad Vajdovici

Nuța Românca: Mirela Puia

Românul: Cristian Szekeres

Robert: Otniel Floruț

Policewoman: Roberta Popa

Driver I, Black clown: Costa Tovarnisky

Driver II: Sergiu Vernica

The Homeless – and the Boxes:

Greuceanu: Cristian Szekers

Mercedes: Darius Zet           

The Prince: Costa Tovarnisky

Elvis: Răzvan Săbiescu

Aramis: Floruț Otniel

People in the bar and in the park:

Daniela Bostan, Roberta Popa, Oana Antonovici, Iulia Ioana, Sabine Oschanitzky, Otinel Floruț, Răzvan Săbiescu, Rareș Rusan

The Band ANIA IONESCU & THE BANDITS: Răzvan Munteanu, Aranyi Tibor, Sorin Stroie, Francis Mozes, Alexandru Munteanu

Directed by: Oskaras Koršunovas


Stage design: Gintaras Makarevičius

Costumes: Corina Grămoșteanu

Choreography: Vesta Grabštaitė

Light design: Eugenijus Sabaliauskas

Producer: National Theatre Mihai Eminescu, Timișoara

Duration: 4h (two intermissions)

Recommended age: 18+

Performance in Romanian with English surtitles

The overwhelming relativity of that thing called home, the theme of migration, the national and individual traumas generated by the act and feeling of leaving, self-colonization, the problem of the stranger, the loneliness, despair and survival in another culture, all these are lines of socio-theatrical study opened by director Oskaras Koršunovas and playwright Marius Ivaškevičius, both from Lithuania, at the National Theatre “Mihai Eminescu” Timișoara. Expulsion is a wide-ranging project, overwhelming in its violent-poetical realism, in its multitude of layers of meaning and in its ambition to reconstruct the terrible discomfort of a state of mind. With intense performances from actors and musicians, Koršunovas holds his disturbing topic wide open in front of our eyes: expulsion is not only a separation from a geographical place, but also from oneself… (the NTF curators’ motivation)

Photo credits: Adrian Pîclișan / TNTm