

23 October | 20:00 – I.L. Caragiale National Theatre Bucharest, Ion Caramitru Hall (Big Hall)   

A visual poem about the passage of time and the ways in which characters of different ages manage their condition of being ephemeral humans that feel, dream, suffer and love in close connection with nature.



By: Simona Popescu and Radu Afrim



Róza: Katalin Berekméri

Viorel (Stalker): Nicu Mihoc

Darius Mureșan: Alex Stoicescu

Stamina: Laura Mihalache

Rebeca: Cristina Holtzli

Sister 1: Loredana Dascălu

Sister 2: Georgiana Ghergu

Teacher: Mihaela Mihai

Piticu: Luchian Pantea

Her: Elena Purea

Him: Theo Marton

Dia: Ale Țifrea

Cameraman: Radu Anastas

Script, direction, soundtrack and recordings: Radu Afrim

Stage design and poster: Irina Moscu

Stage dramaturgy: Andreea Radu  

Light design: Cristian Niculescu

Video montage: Samu Trucza

Assistant director: Dragoș Stoenescu

Assistant stage designer: Doró Sikó

Producer: National Theatre Târgu Mureș – Liviu Rebreanu Company  

Duration: 2h 20 min (no intermission)

Recommended age: 14+  

Performance in Romanian with English surtitles

Could language (still) create worlds? Could words (still) generate realities? Could poetry (still) save something or someone? These are some of the questions raised by this very fertile theatrical partnership between director Radu Afrim and poet Simona Popescu. Stage direction itself turns into poetry, just as poetry, through its power to organize the unseen, is symbolically invited to take over the functions of the stage direction. Beyond the linguistic explorations, the Afrimian Herbarium addresses the unsettling, ever more urgent theme of the alienation of the human being, its loss of the connection to nature and the irreversibility of that process. Powerful in sound, visually complex, Herbarium addresses us directly, telling us, in various forms, what we have been and what we have become. (the NTF curators’ motivation)

Photo credits: Cristina Gânj (Bristena)