class="">It’s true, it’s true, it’s true!

It’s true, it’s true, it’s true!

28 October | 17:00 – ACT Theatre

A story that survived through centuries and speaks of abuse, injustice, art and the freeing power of the truth.



By: Breach theatre

Translation: Alexandru Mâzgăreanu, revizuită de Adrian Nicolae



Emilia Bebu

Mihaela Teleoacă

Florentina Țilea

Directed by: Alexandru Mâzgăreanu

Stage design: Alexandra Boerescu  

Original music: Alexandru Suciu

Producer: ACT Theatre Bucharest  

Duration: 1h 30 min (no intermission)

Recommended age: 16+  

Performance in Romanian with English surtitles

The show is a re-enactment of a real court trial, reconstructed via documents saved along many centuries. The biography of female painter Artemisa Gentileschi serves as a feminist manifesto against rape and abuse, justified as they were, for centuries, by patriarchy. The direction focuses on building tension along the stating of the reasons, while the all-female cast supports the contemporary view of the story. With an audience sitting extremely close, filmlike facial expressions amplify the effect of the audience’s direct involvement in the unfolding of the trial. (the NTF curators’ motivation)

Photo credits: International Festival Alba Iulia, Adi Bulboacă, Andrei Voinea