

21 October | 21:00 – I.L. Caragiale National Theatre Bucharest, Pictură Hall

A miraculous concert-performance that scatters the borders between music, theatre and film.



By: Ivan Vîrîpaev

Translated by: Orsolya Kis

Stage adaptation: Katalin Deák


Boy: Bence Kónya-Ütő

Girl: Janka Korodi

Directed by: Tibor Pálffy


Original music and sound design: Bence Kónya-Ütő

Light design: Anrás Rancz

Producer: Tamási Áron Theatre, Sfântu Gheorghe

Duration: 1h 30 min (no intermissions)

Recommended age: 14+  

Performance in Hungarian with Romanian and English surtitles

In Pálffy Tibor’s reading, Ivan Vyrypaev’s play is not simply a text for the stage, it rather turns into a dialogue partner, leading a relationship with the characters in the cast. This seemingly paradoxical situation is relevant to the very stakes of the staging at the Támasi Áron theatre, that of retracing Treplev’s metaphor of the search for new forms, appropriate for the present time. The result is a composition of an elaborate quality of sound and image, delightfully fluid in its form, with surprising reliefs, provoking dreamlike pulsations, but also cold, frontal meditations on the real. Atypical, strange and difficult to define, Oxygen could in fact be an echo coming from the future of performance art. (the NTF curators’ motivation)

Photo credits: Pálfy Sándor and Barabás Zsolt