class="">Performances schedule for the 33rd edition of the National Theatre Festival

Performances schedule for the 33rd edition of the National Theatre Festival

We announce the schedule for the selected performances of the 33rd edition of the National Theatre Festival 2023 (20-30 October). All information about the performances and connected events of the festival are being uploaded on our website

26 September 2023  NTF PRESS RELEASES, News

*We reserve the right to adjust the schedule in case of extreme circumstances.

Tickets will become available on all online platforms linked to the host theatres at the begging of October. We will be back soon with the full schedule of all connected events of the 33rd edition of NTF (performative and visual installations, reading performances on contemporary playwritings, educational performances, debates, conferences, established artists meet-ups, workshops, exhibitions, book releases, radio-drama performances and more).

We invite you to access the schedule (click here for PDF format) and we’re waiting for you at the Festival! You can also check the schedule  (being updated right now) here.

The 33rd edition of the National Theatre Festival is taking place in Bucharest, between 20 and 30 of October. Curators: Mihaela Michailov, Oana Cristea Grigorescu și Călin Ciobotari.

Cultural project produced by the UNITER Association The Romanian Association of Theatre Artists and the Romanian Television Society. Co-producers: Bucharest City Hall through ARCUB –The Cultural Center of Bucharest, The Directorate for Culture of Bucharest. NTF is a cultural project funded by the Ministry of Culture. Partners: Romanian Cultural Institute, I.L. Caragiale National Theatre Bucharest,   ITI – The Romanian Center of The International Theatre Institute. Traditional media partner: Radio Romania.