class="">Seaside Stories

Seaside Stories

25 October | 18:00 – I.L. Caragiale Theatre Bucharest, Ion Caramitru Hall (Big Hall)

(performance where the audience is seated on stage)

Flashing encounters, short but intense moments taken from real life, perhaps those that we all lived at the seaside, with our feet full of sand.



By: Marius Chivu, Lavinica Mitu, Dan Alexe, Simona Goșu, Tudor Ganea, Nicoleta Dabija

Stage adaptation: Radu Afrim


  1. Running Beautifully, High Knees by Tudor Ganea

Tudorel: Ștefan Mihai

Mother: Laura Iordan

Father: Iulian Enache

Cătălin: Theodor Șoptelea

Arrogant Lilly: Liliana Ghiță / Mirela Pană

Bitălz: Marian Adochiței

Hooligans: Andrei Bibire, Alexandru Burcă, Cătălin Bucur

Rockers: Anaïs Agi-Ali, Mihaela Velicu, Lana Moscaliuc, Alina Manțu, Cristiana Luca

  1. Fragile by Simona Goșu

Girl: Cristiana Luca

Mother: Nina Udrescu

  1. Dreamy Togetherness by Dan Alexe

Man: Remus Archip

Arrogant woman: Liliana Ghiță / Mirela Pană

Pegas, Boss, Pharmacist, Grandfather: Ștefan Mihai

  1. Vieni Qua by Marius Chivu

Her: Cătălina Mihai / Cristiana Luca

Him: Theodor Șoptelea

Paco: Ștefan Mihai

Monica: Liliana Cazan

  1. All the Earrings in the Vama Beach  by Lavinica Mitu

Her: Mihaela Velicu

Him: Marian Adochiței

Couples: Alina Manțu and Andrei Bibire, Cătălin Bucur and Cristiana Luca, Lana Moscaliuc and Anaïs Agi-Ali, Alexandru Burcă si Cătălina Mihai

Unpaired: Laura Iordan

  1. At the Sea Eagle – Fish in Its Claws by Marius Chivu

Man: Andrei Bibire

Hooligans: Cătălin Bucur, Alexandru Burcă, Ștefan Mihai, Theodor Șoptelea, Remus Archip

  1. She Used to Like the Sea by Nicoleta Dabija

Her: Lana Moscaliuc

Them: Alina Manțu, Laura Iordan, Anaïs Agi-Ali, Mihaela Velicu, Cristiana Luca, Lana Moscaliuc

  1. Wyoming by Marius Chivu

Cezar Dumitrescu: Cătălin Bucur

Mother: Liliana Cazan

Girl: Anaïs Agi-Ali

Minions: Mihaela Velicu, Cătălina Mihai, Andrei Bibire, Alexandru Burcă, Theodor Șoptelea, Cristiana Luca, Ștefan Mihai

  1. The poem You Are Drifting Away by Nina Cassian

Nina Udrescu

  1. Other texts by Radu Afrim:

MC Seaside Stories: Cătălin Bucur

Pegas: Ștefan Mihai

Relu Pescărelu: Theodor Șoptelea

Arrogant Lilly: Liliana Ghiță / Mirela Pană

Albano and Romina Power: Lana Moscaliuc and Marian Adochiței

Nana Mouskouri: Marian Adochiței

Fans of Bitălz: Lana Moscaliuc, Mihaela Velicu, Laura Iordan, Alina Manțu, Cătălina Mihai, Cristiana Luca

Hooligan: Cătălin Bucur

Monica: Liliana Cazan

Directed by: Radu Afrim  

Assistant director: Mara Oprea

Set design: Theodor Cristian Niculae

Assistant set designer: Paula Rusu

Video: Andrei Dermengiu, Marian Adochiţei, Radu Afrim

Cut: Andrei Dermengiu

Make-up artist: Arina Cocoș

Light design: Cristian Niculescu

Sound design: Radu Afrim

Producer: State Theatre in Constanța

Duration: 3h  (with intermission)

Recommended age: 16+  

Performance in Romanian with English surtitles

Radu Afrim undertakes a vast affective-theatrical investigation on the fragile human relief, featuring the sea, the coast, the holidays, considered as landmarks for an intimate landscape of wandering and finding oneself. At the dramaturgical level, the director’s proposal, a collage of poetic-narrative structures, based on contributions from the well-known Romanian writers, opens up the theme in a pluri-perspectival way, locating it at the same time in an autochthonous, familiar and nostalgia generating mental space. Seaside Stories also reveals a diverse and strong group of actors, their genuine creative sensibilities. Collaboration with Radu Afrim might lead to a revival on the long-term of this theatre troupe. (the NTF curators’ motivation)

Photo credits: Marian Adochiței and Alina Vasiliu