class="">The Black Mirror

The Black Mirror

23 October | 21:30 – I.L. Caragiale National Theatre Bucharest, Atelier Hall

Luigi Pirandello places us in front of a mirror that makes it tough, but necessary to observe ourselves. But who truly sits in front of the mirror? Is it you “personality”?… Or is it our “core”?



By: Luigi Pirandello

Translated by: Maria Rotar

One-man show with: Ionuț Caras

Direct by: Roberto Bacci

Stage concept: Ionuț Caras

Light design: Jenel Moldovan

Producer: Lucian Blaga National Theatre Cluj-Napoca

Duration: 1h (no intermission)

Recommended age: 16+  

Performance in Romanian with English surtitles

Ionuț Caras, an actor having reached a stage of high professional refinement, offers us a glimpse inside the delicate and profound mechanisms of the construction of a part. Inside the shadowy laboratory, man and character negotiate their territories, borrow their contours, and interrogate each other’s levels of reality. Caras’ immersion in Pirandello is not only a theatrical exercise, but also an existential one, designed to provide new horizons for reflection on the complicated relationships between the individual and society. From inside the character, the actor looks at himself, playing out his double destiny on stage and raising the stakes of the art of acting to a totally new level. (the NTF curators’ motivation)

Photo credits: Nicu Cherciu