class="">Theatre Books in NTF33

Theatre Books in NTF33

A theatre book fair – a true marathon of new editorial product releases and presentations within the performing arts, following meetings, discussions, questions, answers – makes up a significant component of the National Theatre Festival, counting its 33rd edition this year.

14 October 2023  NTF PRESS RELEASES, News

In the three days of the book marathon (October 21st, 28th and 29th, in between 11:00 and 16:00 o’clock, at Cărturești Verona – a NTF33 partner), the audience will be presented around 30 various titles, all joined by a common subject – theatre, signed by significant authors and released by different publishings, Romanian and foreign alike.

The editorial releases include playwriting, novels, essays, chronicles, portraits of famous creators, love stories etc. The first Romanian translation of a book on the famous choreographer Pina Bausch will also be featured.

This fair-marathon, hosted by Cărturești Verona – a pleasant cultural space for get-togethers and heart-felt dialogues – will reveal many surprises for anyone with an interest in theatre books, anyone wishing to discover the fascinating world of performing arts. Free entry.

Aside from this fair-marathon, but also an editorial novelty, there is a tribute event dedicated to the memory of the great actress Clody Bertola, born 110 years ago. This beautiful NTF33 moment – Clody Bertola – 110 – is going to take place on October 27th, starting 11:00 o’clock, hosted by ARCUB, The Big Hall, and it will bring the book “La vie en rose with Clody Bertola” back into public attention. The portrait book was written many years ago by the theatre critic Ludmila Patlanjoglu, but has been edited by Nemira publishing into a luxury edition –with add-ons –, with new texts and photographs.  Images from the artist’s life and from her representative performances will be projected.

The author will be present in a discussion moderated by Călin Ciobotari. Several cultural personalities, many theatre people who loved and admired Clody Bertola, have been invited to this event organized by UNITER, NTF and Nemira Publishing. Free entry, subject to availability.

She has become the Unbeatable, the Unique, the Lady of the Theatre. She has had legendary loves and friendships… Her massive talent, as well as her mysterious beauty have attracted illustrious and inspired men. She has been the muse of the painter Ștefan Constantinescu, of directors Liviu Ciulei and Lucian Pintilie… She has been the heroine of some grand artistic battles. Her biography makes history in the world of Romanian theatre.

Clody Bertola, an actress blessed with enormous talent, written about as unique, unbeatable, a tireless force and mysterious femininity, has turned her theatre characters into eternal pieces, having played in quite a few theatres in Bucharest, mostly at Bulandra, under the direction of multiple creators, such as Liviu Ciulei and Lucian Pintilie, for whom she has been a muse and great inspiration.


Book release schedule in NTF33

Saturday, October 21st

12.00 – 16.00 Cărturești Verona


The Tropical Brotherhood by Radu Dinulescu, Creator Publishing 2023 

Inheritance. The path of the living statue by Mihai Mălaimare, RAO Publishing 2023 

The National Theatre, as I have loved it by Mihai Mălaimare, RAO Publishing 2023 

Theatre by Cristian Pepino, Muzicală Publishing, 2023

Beyond the Human: Theatre, Robots and Social Realities by Marina Hanganu, Universitaria Publishing, Craiova  

THE ONE THAT PASSES (People, facts, theatrical occurrences) by Doina Papp, Publishing House of the National Museum of Romanian Literature (MNLR) 2023 

Das rumänische Theater im 21. Jahrhundert. Freie Szene und neue Wege  (Romanian Theatre in the 21st century. The independent scene and new directions) by Irina Wolf, Frank & Timme Publishing, Berlin 2023 

For a barbarian woman by Saviana Stănescu, Tracus Arte Publishing, 2023


Saturday, October 28th

11.00 – 16.00 Cărturești Verona


Pina Bausch’s Dance Theatre Tracing the Evolution of Tanztheater by Lucy Weir, Junimea Publishing & Artes Publishing, 2023

Theatre adaptations. Balzac, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Gorky, Proust by Virgil Tănase, Junimea Publishing, 2023

Congo Jazz Band by Mohamed Kacimi, Junimea Publishing, 2023

Lysistrata, mon amour by Matei Vișniec, Junimea Publishing, 2023

The Close Look by George Banu, Junimea Publishing, 2023

Territories to recover. Theatre through the Gender Lens by Oltița Cîntec, Junimea Publishing, 2023

From Act to ActingJan Fabre’s Guidelines for the Performer of the 21st century by Jan Fabre and Luk Van den Dries, Presa Universitară Clujeană Publishing, 2023

Documentary theatres by Erica Magris and Béatrice Picon-Vallin, Presa Universitară Clujeană Publishing, 2023

Hitler’s Moustache by Mihai Ignat, Casa de Pariuri Literare Publishing, 2023

The Last Time by George Banu, Publishing House of the National Museum of Romanian Literature, 2023

4 upside-down plays. Contemporary theater anthology for children by Ana Cucu Popescu, Signatura Publishing, 2023


Sunday, October 29th

11.00 – 16.00 Cărturești Verona


Adela. “Everything I ever wanted” by Ion Moldovan, Ecou Transilvan Publishing, 2023

Gheorghe Dinică. “The Great Loner” by Ion Moldovan, Ecou Transilvan Publishing, 2023

Hamlet in the Imperative by Olivier Py, “Camil Petrescu” Cultural Foundation, 2023

The Blood of Promises de Wajdi Mouawad, “Camil Petrescu” Cultural Foundation, 2023

9, 10/ 2023 of the “Theatre Today” Magazine, “Camil Petrescu” Cultural Foundation, 2023

I knew them by Alexandra Neacșu-Puric, COMPANIA DAN PURIC Publishing

An Actor’s Work on a Role by K.S. Stanislavsky, Nemira Publishing 2023

Letters to Génica Athanasiou by Antonin Artaud, Nemira Publishing 2023

Martin Scorsese: A Journey by Mary Pat Kelly, Nemira Publishing 2023

Unbearably Long Hugs by Ivan Vyrypajev, Cartier Publishing, 20023

Documentary theatre. The seventh kafana. The M. Shakespeare House for Ana. Child’s body (vol.1) by Mihai Fusu and Luminița Țâcu, Cartier Publishing, 2023

Documentary theatre. The Anatomy of Union (vol. 2) by Mihai Fusu and Luminița Țâcu, Cartier Publishing, 2023


The schedule of the marathon is available on as well as information on the books that are about to be released, on the guests and additional videos where authors or translators introduce their online audience to the said books within NTF33.