class="">TSCHICK. Why We Took the Car

TSCHICK. Why We Took the Car

23 October | 17:00 – I.L. Caragiale National Theatre Bucharest, Pictură Hall

A cool odyssey for young people – the performance “TSCHICK. Why We Took the Car” tells the story of Maik and Tschick, two teenagers convinced that another world from the one they know at home and at school must exist. Maik comes from the German middle-clas but his parents parted ways a long time ago, even though they still live under the same roof. Maik feels like a stranger, just like Tschick, whose family moved from Germany to Russia. At first, the only thing they had in common was feeling like strangers in a society that makes it hard for them to belong.



By: Wolfgang Herrndorf

Stage adaptation: Robert Koall


Maik: Robert Bogdanov-Schein

Tschick: Marc Illich

Isa, Tatjana, Assistant, Sister of Friedemann, Nurse: Alma Diaconu

Mother, Friedemann, Woman with the fire extinguisher, Judge: Ioana Iacob

Father, Schuback, Schürman, Miss Friedemann, Wagenbach, Fricke, Voice: Alexandru Mihăescu

Directed by: Irisz Kovacs

Set design and costumes: Clara Ștefana  

Original music and Sound design: Adrian Piciorea

Producer: The German State Theatre Timișoara

Duration: 1h 50 min (no intermission)

General audience

Performance in German with Romanian and English surtitles

The show has the freshness of adolescence and the flavour of the discovery of the world. The young director Irisz Kovacs invites us to see an initiatory adventure in the adult world through the eyes of the two characters, two adolescents. Inspired by the aesthetics of comic strips, so familiar to young people, the set design is all about suggestion, whereas the acting leaves room to the imagination of the spectator, whom they take along on a journey to a never to be reached, imaginary Wallachia. Tschick… is a show about friendship and about growing up, but above all about the value and limits of freedom. (the NTF curators’ motivation)

Photo credits: Ovidiu Zimcea