class="">Playing Mephisto

Playing Mephisto

Jucându-l pe Mefisto

by Mihai Măniuțiu

Tracus Arte Publishing House, 2021

Price: 38,00 ron

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The surrealist way of transcribing comes in easy to the prose writer, since staging is itself a recourse to surrealism. The utterance becomes prospective, through a “temporal and logical indeterminacy”, tirelessly aiming at the originality. The search oscillates dangerously between the being and its long and deceptive shadow, imagining, at moments, delicate, strange ombres chinoises and grotesque sequences of funny spectacle at other moments.

Irina Petraș

Alternating the onirical with surrealism and the absurd with the grotesque, Mihai Măniuțiu’s literature finds its place somewhere on the path of Ionescu’s theater and of Gellu Naum’s lyricism, in an area of ​​aproximation of the ineffable, where everything is both morbid and enchanting, impure, obscure and esoteric. I find no reason for the writer should remain in the shadow of the director.

Marius Chivu