class="">Hans Thies Lehmann and the legacy of post-dramatic theater (debate)

Hans Thies Lehmann and the legacy of post-dramatic theater (debate)

11 November| 11:00 – ARCUB, Coloane Hall
FREE ADMISSION (limited places available)

“Lehmann’s book, Post-Dramatic Theater, was released in 1999 and also quickly translated all around the world, becoming an essential instrument for understanding and analyzing the tendencies of theater present in the second part of the 20. century.”

In 2009, when I commissioned the Romanian translation of this book for the NTF, it had already been translated to dozens of languages and had entered the bibliography of theater and performing arts classes in various universities around the world. I had the chance to convince German language and theater specialist Victor Scoradeț to join, and the release of the book was joined by a conference on the same topic held by Lehmann at the Bucharest Theater and Film University. Over two decades later from the release of the book and over a decade later from the Romanian translation, the theory of post-dramatic theater has become a milestone for all discussions about contemporary performing arts, but unfortunately it is not yet present in the Romanian cultural space. At the 2022 NTF we try to reopen the conversation on postmodern theater and its consequences on the world stage. (Cristina Modreanu)Victor Scoradeț and Andrei Măjeri will discuss the heritage of post-dramatic theater on stage and in the contemporary theater discourse.

Host: Cristina Modreanu