class="">Cosmic fright or the day Brad Pitt turned paranoid (performative reading)

Cosmic fright or the day Brad Pitt turned paranoid (performative reading)

24 October | 16:00 – I.L. Caragiale National Theatre Bucharest, Media Hall

FREE ENTRY, subject to availability

Cosmic fright or the day Brad Pitt turned paranoid is a reflection on individual and collective dilemmas regarding climate change, the moral responsibility we hold and the lack of action against a global threat.

Part of Performative readings on texts by European and local playwriters  

By: Christian Lollike

Translated by: Ovio Olaru

Cast: Cătălina Mihai, Alex Bogdan, Sorin Miron

Directed by: Mihai Gligan

Stage design: Clara Ștefana

Producer: National Theatre Festival, 2023

Duration: 1h 45 min


With comedic undertones and an introspective take, the play encourages the audience to think for themselves in the fight for protecting the environment and the future of Earth. Christian Lollike is one of the most appreciated Danish playwrights, also working as a theatre and film director. His plays address current political problems such as globalisation, capitalism, violence against women, euthanasia or terrorism.

Each performative reading will be followed by a meeting with the audience, with the participation of the creative team and Irina Breniuc (environment activist)


Performative readings offer encounters with theatre plays that will be read for the first time in Romania and that address themes and subjects of aching realities.

If last year the performative readings were directed by Bobi Pricop, this year the selected texts would be directed by emerging directors: Anda Drăgan, Tania Drăghici, Mihai Gligan, Luiza Mihailescu, Larisa Popa, Monica Stoica.

As part of this module, a contest dedicated to promoting Romanian plays is being organised. Those who will be selected (text deadline: 10 August) will have the possibility to work for a month with established playwriters Bogdan Georgescu, Petro Ionescu, Elise Wilk – in order to develop their texts. This way, NTF becomes a platform that allows the upcoming plays to be visible. 

The performative-readings modules of NTF is coordinated by the director Bobi Pricop.