class="">Oh My Sweet Land

Oh My Sweet Land

21 October | 19:30 – ODEON Theatre, Studio Hall

Today the Syrian conflict is well into its 13th year and has become not only part of the daily life in the Middle East but also part of our global landscape.



Concept: Corinne Jaber

With: Corinne Jaber

Light-design: Nicolas Chorier

Produced by: Young Vic Theatre, Théâtre de Vidy

Duration: 1h (no intermission)


Age recommendation: 12+ 

In English with Romanian surtitles

The war which has changed the lives of millions of people in the most brutal and unimaginable way. And yet we have become weary of hearing about this gigantic humanitarian disaster and the complexities of a situation we cannot quite comprehend.

In 2013 when we began working on the play, we did not ever imagine that 10 years later this play could still be performed with only a few minor changes.

Foto credits: Mario del Curto