

23 October | 11:00 – Eli Radu Technological High School  

Closed event

What can happen when you look back at emotional or physical abuse moments from back when you were little and everything seemed big? But when you look back at childhood violence? How do you carry the marks left on you? And how do you talk about it now with your parents?

These are some questions we started from into this journey-performance through generations, through emotional heritage, and tender and healing words.

The event is part of Educational NTF: Performances in secondary and high schools   

By: Vera Ion


Vlad’s Father, Narrator, Andreea: Alex Călin

Narrator, Simina, Daria, Mrs. Nițu: Ioana Chițu

Vlad, Mrs. Iancovici, Laurica: Cabiria Morgenstern


Directed by: Alice Monica Marinescu


Stage design: Irina Gâdiuță

Music and Sound Design: Teo Retegan

Light Design: Tudor Nicorici


Producer: OV 05 Association

Duration: 1h 35 min (no intermission)

Recommended age: 13+  

The Educational NTF Module is made with the support of Direction for Culture Bucharest 


The Vulnerable performance brings the violence behind closed doors into the public space. The way that violence feels like when you are a child can leave deep marks, even if the memory of the occurrence may not be remembered in time. Even if the moment didn’t leave physical marks. Many of us carry wounds that we don’t know how to speak about without feeling guilt, shame, without fearing that we bother, that we unrightfully accuse, that we embarrass ourselves or that we make others feel embarrassed.

Vulnerable speaks of big humans and tiny humans. Of power dynamics, of pain and owning it, of love and self-compassion. The performance brings front this little entity inside each one of us, one that becomes invisible for those around us. Imagining a transgenerational meeting space, Vulnerable can be a step towards healing.

Photo credit: Andra Tarara