class="">Old Clown Wanted by Matei Vișniec

Old Clown Wanted by Matei Vișniec

25 October | 20:00
“I. L. Caragiale” National Theatre, Studio Hall

Old Clown Wanted by Matei Vişniec, directed and artistically devised by Ion Caramitru, brings on stage (but also in the hall and foyer) the performance of the impossible, the encounter with absolute illusion and the mirage of boundless freedom. An enactment filled with humour, delicacy, tender cynicism, soulful stunts, in which theatre and circus are intertwined in the common realm of the spectacular.



Three old clowns, Nicollo, Filippo and Peppino, meet in front of a hiring notice, ready to give their best for the last trick, the supreme frolic before the last curtain falls. The body plays tricks on them, but the mind is vibrating, hypnotizing, and the remembrance of past glory turns the whole world into an extravaganza, into a miraculous manège, a surrealist scenery.

The audience is an amused accomplice in their adventure, a game of life and death in which nothing is what it seems to be, and the theatre hall transforms unknowingly into a circus arena, where one can find fantastic characters, but also their own forgotten dreams.

The play gives the audience the chance to rediscover three very gifted young actors of the National Theatre of Bucharest: Petre Ancuţa, Emilian Mârnea and Florin Călbăjos. They shall be illusionists and artists at the same time, expressive and surprising, combining music, pantomime, magic and charming performance in order to build characters at the threshold between reality and fantasy.

Old Clown Wanted is playwright Matei Vişniec’s last creation before leaving Romania; in 1991 it received the UNITER Award for the Best Romanian Play.


Filippo: Petre Ancuța

Nicollo: Emilian Mârnea

Peppino: Florin Călbăjos

With the participation of the actors of Globus Circus:

Circus actors: Magicianul Antonio, Vanda Rotaru, Constantin Rotaru, Clovnul Cristiano, dogs Miss & Eliz, Bogdan Andreescu, Camelia Andreescu, Valentin Iancu, Mariana Ionescu, Alyssa Andreescu, Aysha Ibeido, Gamze Saldiz, Julia Petrescu, Tiberiu Eftimie,Cătălin Badea, Valentin Badea

Music entertainers: Clara Toplicianu, Lorena Sanda

Extras: Viorel Florea, Aurelian Ungureanu

Directed by: Ion Caramitru

Assistant Director: Patricia Katona

Sets: Florilena Popescu Fărcășanu

Costumes: Liliana Cenean

Assistant costume designer: Maria Dore

Choreography: Florin Fieroiu

Soundtrack: Călin Țopa

Light Design: Chris Jaeger

Animated graphics: Matei Branea, Bogdan Nedelcu, Matei Monoranu (CINETic)

Puppet maker: Ioana Creangă

Duration: 2 h 15 (with intermission)

“I. L. Caragiale” National Theatre, Bucharest