class="">Bonfire, after a novel by György Dragomán

Bonfire, after a novel by György Dragomán

23 October| 22:00 – “I.L.Caragiale” National Theatre, Atelier Hall

24 October| 18:00 – “I.L.Caragiale” National Theatre, Atelier Hall

Romania, 1989-90: two months after the fall of Ceauşescu’s regime, the remnants of the communist regime are burning at stake. Emma, a 13-year-old orphan girl, is taken out of boarding school by a mysterious stranger who claims to be her grandmother; from now on the girl is to live with her.



The girl suspiciously follows the stranger to a new city. At school, she is marginalized by the others, as her grandmother is thought to be a denunciator and a mad woman, who reads coffee or blood. Emma faces all the trouble courageously, while her mistrust of the old woman turns into a close relationship – as the grandmother starts telling her stories. Her own story, family secrets and secrets of a society where many acts of violence were never investigated. It soon becomes obvious that politics, society, and the story of Emma’s family are tightly connected. Through his well-known novel, the author György Dragomán, a Hungarian born in Transylvania who later emigrated to Hungary, paints a picture of Romania at the beginning of the 90s, going through a transition period, and governed by fear. The viewpoint of the young girl, whose growing-up process is announced by societal transformations, allows for an objective X-ray of political events.

Translated by: Elize Wilk

Dramatisation: Armin Petras 


Arina Ioana Trif

Maria Tomoiagă


Directed by: Armin Petras

Sets: Olaf Altmann

Costumes: Katja Strohschneider

Original Score: Jörg Kleemann

Light Design: Norman Plathe

Duration: 1 h 40 min (no intermission) 

“Radu Stanca” National Theatre, Sibiu