class="">The Double Inconstancy by Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux

The Double Inconstancy by Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux

25 October | 20:00
Odeon Theatre, Studio Hall

The text is a comedy in three acts built on the principles of the Commedia dell’arte, with Arlechino and Trivelin, essential characters of this type of theatrical improvisation, and a surprisingly modern structure for the time when it was written (the end of the 18th century). It was first put on stage in 1723, by Italian comedians, at the famous Theatre of “Hôtel de Bourgogne” in Paris.



Just like other comedies by Marivaux, such as The Game of Love and Chance, Slave Island, The Triumph of Love, The False Servant and The Double Inconsistency, many of the characters around which the story is built belong to the Commedia dell’arte, with scenes solved in a comical note by the famous Arlechino, unsuspected drama, unspoken love, hallucinating secrets, unequalled betrayal and unprecedented conflicts. All good comedies have good endings. Will the prince eventually find the true love of his dreams? Will Arlechino end up inconsolable or will there be two wedding in the end?!

Translated by: Sabrina Iașchevici

Adapted by: Sânziana Stoican


Arlechino: Emilian Oprea

Flaminia: Mihaela Trofimov

Silvia: Narcisa Novac

The Prince: Silviu Debu

Trivelin: Valentin Terente

Lisette: Corina Borș

A gentleman: Adrian Ștefan

Directed by: Sânziana Stoican

Set Design: Valentin Vârlan

Duration: 3 h 10 min (with intermission) 

The show will be played in Romanian

“Maria Filotti” Theatre, Brăila