
The RNTF spectators become main actors of the Good


The Romanian National Festival, at its 27th edition, supports the fundraising campaign for the first Paediatric Oncology Clinic with Integrated Services in Romania, within the Marie Curie Children Emergency Hospital, in Bucharest, a project of the Dăruiește Viață (Give Life) Association.

Tickets to RNTF 2017 will be on sale!


Biletele pentru toate spectacolele celei de-a 27-a ediţii a Festivalului Naţional de Teatru se vor pune în vânzare online pe și la casa de bilete centralizată a Teatrului Naţional „I.L. Caragiale“ din Bucureşti (unde contravaloarea biletelor se va putea plăti cash) începând de luni 18 septembrie, ora 10:00.

Theatre changes the world (#teatrulschimbalumea), RNTF 2107 (#fnt2017)


The Romanian National Theatre Festival encourages you to be constructive (#constructiv), reactive (#reactiv), to dare (#îndrăznești), self-confidenr (#creziîntine). Search for your motivation to continue , watching the RNTF performance-plays based on immortal ideas and the creativity of the artists, capable to win all battles by their commitment, their consistency and their honesty.